Tuesday, February 7, 2017

にほんご102 Speaking Goals and Activities

  • Fluency: More specifically, I would like to improve my ability to have conversations "on the spot". This means (1) thinking of my response (which can be difficult even in English...), (2) thinking of the correct grammar structure faster, (3) thinking of the desired vocabulary faster, (4) being able to say it smoothly.
  • Intonation and naturalness: I think I speak a bit flat/boring (such as in class) as opposed to when shadowing (when I exaggerate to follow the model). I'd like to be careful about my intonation at all times
  • Anime: Watch every week and shadow various phrases. Focus on the intonation while doing so.
  • Self-study: Practice the phrases we've learned in class on my own with the help of Anki (I use it with text-to-audio so that it can become listening, writing/spelling, and speaking practice) and do extra exercises in the Student Activities Manual.
  • Language table/office hours: Try to attend once a month at a minimum. I hope to increase my attendance once my thesis is complete (April)



  1. 楽しいそうなplanですね!私はドラマの方好きだけど、アニメも見たいです。

    1. どんなドラマが好きですか?私は「Mischievous Kiss」を見ましたが、ほかのドラマを見ません。
