Wednesday, January 11, 2017

PE Final Reflection

Activities Reflection:
  • I have continued watching anime every week and shadowing various phrases. I have also started focusing on my listening skills and try to pay attention to vocabulary and conjugation of verbs and adjectives (usually they are casual form).
  • I have continued to self-study and review daily, practicing my speaking while doing vocabulary review. Every other week, I read various Japanese texts aloud even if I may not necessarily know the grammar or meaning (I'm trying to learn more kanji as I do this, too).
  • Unfortunately, I did not go to office hours or the language table near the end of the semester.

Goals Reflection:
  • I think my ability to have conversations on the spot has improved as well as my intonation and speed!
  • Of course, there's always room for improvement, so I will continue to practice when I can. Out of the 3 goals I had, I think I need to continue to focus on intonation and conversations "on the fly".



  1. Animeはとてもいいの日本語先生です!わたしも日本のえががすきです。でも、上手じゃないから、えいがの日本語があまりわかりません。

    1. はい、いい日本語の先生ですね!私もえいがとアニメの日本語はあまり分からないので、subsはとても有用(ゆうよう)です。

  2. すごいです!どのアニメが好きですか?

    1. こんばんは。しょうねんのアニメが好きです!一番好きのは「銀魂」と「HunterxHunter」。まるこさんもアニメが好きですか?
