Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hello World


I am studying Japanese because I am interested in Japanese culture. I have been watching anime and reading manga since middle school. However, I am also interested in other aspects of Japanese culture such as keigo and gift-giving. I still remember this video of a gift wrap that I saw last year...

I do want to take a trip to Japan in the near future and hope to be able to communicate properly while I'm there. I would love to attend Comiket if possible....and I hope to be able to fully comprehend my 同人誌 one day. I'm excited for the day where I can hold a conversation in Japanese whether it's speaking aloud or through the internet. And, of course, the food.

So far, I've found the speaking to be the most difficult. Although I hear a lot of Japanese being spoken through anime, it's very different and difficult for me to try and reproduce the sounds. I also feel anxious when speaking up in class, but I have been doing so anyways and will continue to try my best so that I can learn the language properly.

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